Don’t Let the Bus Catch You!


She could have gone faster; I know it. Yet, she stayed by my side and finished next to me. That’s my daughter, Amy! I am extremely grateful for her and for our relationship. We spent 4 months training together through rain, snow, freezing weather, sickness, and injuries, along with our normal everyday activities, in preparation for the Coastal Delaware Running Festival marathon. Now race day was here. 

Amy, inspiring me step by step.

Around mile 11 we spotted our family. My granddaughter, Adina, held up a sign that said, “Don’t Let the Bus Catch You! Go Go Go”. The marathon had a time limit, and yes, there is a bus that picks up runners who don’t make cut-off times at certain points. If they refuse to get on the bus, their race bib is removed, and they’re officially withdrawn from the race! There’s also a “sweeper” pacer who runs at the slowest qualifying pace. Our aim was to beat the sweeper and beat the bus. 

Adina, Dave, and Senna encouraging us along the way.

Senna, my other granddaughter, also held up encouragement, Taylor Swift style. Both my husband and son-in-law had signs, as well. My son, Dan, helped us out by taking care of our dogs so we could stay in Rehoboth the night before to be ready for the 7am start time. My family is incredible, and I love and appreciate them so much. They make life rich! We are all meant to enjoy life with others. God designed us for family and community. It’s a lot easier not to let the bus catch you when you don’t go it alone. 

The finish line.

We did make all 26.2 miles in time and are official marathon finishers! Afterward, another runner asked when our next marathon would be. My immediate answer was never! The plan for me all along was just once. However, we do already have our sights set on a half-marathon in November. Maybe we’ll even follow the advice on my husband, Mike’s sign, which said “Must Go Faster”.

“Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

“Solitary was teaching me that it was not possible to be rich alone.”

– Corrie Ten Boom

A Strange Gift


It’s all because a robin was sitting on our fence post, eyeing up the yard, as my husband, Mike, stared him down. This was the morning of Mike’s birthday, and he declared he knew what he wanted. The next thing I knew we were on our way to Home Depot to buy lumber.

Together we fastened some blocks of wood as barriers to potential nesting spots under our deck. Okay, so I mostly held the ladder and handed tools to Mike while he created barricades to prevent nest building. 

Mike’s birthday gift.

You may think that was mean of us, but it was actually kind. We have two dogs who frequently go tearing out the door onto the deck, yelping loudly, and racing down the steps. Under our deck is not a peaceful place to raise a family! It is kind to us, too, as we have a swing under the deck and would prefer not to have it decorated with bird droppings. 

I can think of many strange gifts I’ve received, times in my life when I didn’t get what I wanted and later was really grateful. Like a house we thought was the perfect one for us, but it wasn’t. Like a job I applied for and didn’t get. Like falling down and learning how to get up again. And so on and on…

Mike’s birthday wasn’t all work, by the way. We enjoyed some birthday cake and the satisfaction of knowing that the robin will find a much better place to make his home. What strange gift have you gotten lately?

Senna and Adina helping celebrate G-dad’s birthday.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight. Don’t be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. This will be healing for your body and strengthening for your bones.” (Proverbs 3:5-8)

“Let God do His will, and He will do what’s best for you.” – Charles Spurgeon

A Sideline View


It is a carefully designed plan, building week by week in preparation for the big day. I’ve enjoyed crossing off each mini-goal achieved and the growing number of X’s. Then unexpectedly the training came to a halt for me a few weeks ago, hopefully a temporary one. 

My daughter, Amy, and I started preparing back in December for the Coastal Delaware Running Festival marathon next month. We’ve been running longer and longer distances and doing cross training, but then I developed an injury that sidelined me. 

My husband, Mike, always has the best finish line photos!

I am hopeful to jump back in and finish preparing very soon. In the meantime, I’ve been trying to enjoy the sideline view. Sometimes our plans take detours; sometimes our plans change; sometimes our plans fail. That is why it is such good news to trust in God and His plans.

A family 5K!

This week I hope to pick up where I left off and add more X’s to my training schedule. As I do, I know there is something to be learned from every situation. Perseverance and patience are just two of the lessons I’m in the midst of right now. What have you been learning from your view? 

Here are a few more views along the way from various runs…

“God – his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is pure. He is a shield to all who take refuge in him.” (Psalm 18:30)

“The Lord has shown Himself to be a true helper. His name is Shaddai, the all-sufficient God. So let us live in close fellowship with Him, drawing daily from His well.”

– Charles Spurgeon

The Ladder in the Woods


A decision had to be made, and my granddaughter, Adina, chose to turn left. It was a good choice. Much to our surprise, a few steps further along the trail we came upon a ladder propped up against a tree. It didn’t lead to a treehouse or anything. It was just there in the woods. Adina looked at me, and I said, “Go ahead; climb up!” She excitedly scrambled up and told me everything she could see from her new perch. Don’t you just love hidden joys like that?

Throwback to my granddaughters tree climbing at Grandad’s.

Once Mike and I were hiking with our dogs in Eagles Mere, Pennsylvania, when we rounded a bend and surprised a stunning bald eagle into flight. I think there are hidden joys and surprises all around. A text from my older granddaughter, Senna. Raindrops hanging like glittering jewels on trees. A smile from a passerby. A hot cup of tea on a cold night. And so on!

What hidden joys have you discovered lately?  I hope you discover the greatest joy of all, Jesus. It’s still a mystery as to who placed the ladder in the woods, but I hope everyone who stumbles upon it will climb up and enjoy the view!

“You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand are eternal pleasures.” (Psalm 16:11)

“Reflect on your present blessings – of which every man has many – not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”

                                                                                   – Charles Dickens

On the trail with Mike, Kaylee, and Zoey in Eagles Mere, Pennsylvania.

Leave It!


Pink post it notes, carpet, a wiffle ball, tissues, socks, a toy sheep’s leg, the button on boxer shorts, a duplo Lego, and poisonous mushrooms. What do all of these have in common? These are just some of the items that our dog, Zoey, has eaten. 

Zoey with something she’s actually allowed to have.

If I’m with her and see her about to eat something, I say, “Leave it!”. She does, most of the time. She needs someone to keep her accountable. I’m the same way. I don’t try to eat the carpet, but I do other foolish things. I’m thankful when someone is willing to speak up and keep me going the right direction. 

Right now, my daughter, Amy, is helping me tremendously, as we are training to run a marathon. It’s been fun planning together and keeping each other updated on our progress. She is such a great encouragement to me and definitely helps keep me on track! Tomorrow will be the greatest distance I’ve ever gone – 15 miles. I am so grateful that I will be running with Amy and not on my own!

Amy and me at the Coastal Delaware Running Festival half marathon in November, 2021.

Thankfully, Zoey has survived all of her culinary adventures. I don’t know if her habit of eating absolutely anything will ever be broken. In the meantime, I will keep watch and continue working on teaching her and holding her accountable. Who is holding you accountable, and who are you helping in the same way?

“Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:4)

“True friendship is God’s editor, chipping away at my old self and cheering on the new.”– Steve West

My son, Dan, with Zoey and Kaylee.

Flying Trees and Forgiveness


It was flying straight towards me at an impressive altitude and speed. Thankfully, I was able to slam on the brakes, and the Christmas tree landed about a foot in front of my car. Next, the car ahead of me stopped, and a woman jumped out and started running back towards me, saying, “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry!”

I’m very glad her Christmas tree was smaller than the one at Rockefeller Center!

Immediately I assured her that I was fine. Now believe me, I don’t always react this kindly. This was a great reminder to treat each other generously. Let’s be quick to forgive and gracious. One definition of an accident is: “any event that happens unexpectedly, without a deliberate plan or cause”. This lady certainly didn’t intend to send that tree flying off her car roof at me!

A Christmas tree from the past (with Adina, Senna, and Uncle Danny).

After convincing her that no harm was done, we moved the tree off to the side of the road. I kept my car in place with the blinkers on while she secured it, and then I confirmed once more that all was well before we went our separate ways.

My favorite Christmas tree (aka my daughter, Amy) adding so much fun to the holiday shop, with Senna and me.

Who will you show grace and forgiveness to today? God is always so gracious and generous with us, after all!

“But I have trusted in your faithful love; my heart will rejoice in your deliverance. I will sing to the Lord because he has treated me generously.” Psalm 13:5-6

Let’s treat each other generously!

Wiggly And Waggly


If I simply look at her, her tail starts going back and forth in wide swooshes. Our dog, Zoey, has a perpetually wagging tail. Many times I hear her tail thump, thump, thumping against the wall when she’s asleep in her bed. She wags her tail widely and a lot!

Kaylee, our other dog, also wags her tail, but not nearly as often and in more of a quivering motion. If she’s extra happy and excited, her tail may swish back and forth a whole few inches in a little wiggle. 

Mike, my husband, with our granddaughters and the pups at Nottingham County Park.

Some of us are wiggly and others are waggly, meaning some are more expressive than others. The same emotions happening on the inside can appear quite differently on the outside. The point is not to make assumptions based on a wiggle or waggle. Let’s give each other space to respond the way we are designed; don’t expect others to react like you would.  

God made each of us so wonderfully and just as He planned! He created male and female in His image. Together we are a beautiful picture of His design for life, both wiggly and waggly. 

When you look at those around you, always remember they are made in the image of God.

So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female. Genesis 1:27

My son, Dan, with Senna, Adina, Kaylee, and Zoey (each unique and each dearly loved).

What’s Your Pace?


She walked extremely fast, at all times. I remember as a kid trying to keep up with my mom’s pace. In her much later years, her pace slowed a lot. Finally, I was slowing down for her to keep up with me, and I did so gladly, enjoying every moment spent with her.

Our pace varies in life, and this is good and necessary. Are you running right now or leisurely walking? Go ahead and slow down at times, and sprint all out at times, but keep going!

The most important thing is whose company you keep as you amble or run along. Amazingly, the Lord invites us to walk with Him! He never leaves us behind and seems to graciously match His pace to ours, tenderly leading us, if we only allow Him to. 

I will always treasure memories of walks with my mom. She is now in heaven with the Lord, and when I do see her again, I hope I’ll be able to keep up!

“The Lord is my shepherd; I have what I need.

He lets me lie down in green pastures;

He leads me beside quiet waters.

He renews my life;

He leads me along the right paths for His name’s sake.”

(Psalm 23:1-3)

I am a sinner, saved by grace

One day I’ll see my Savior’s face

From glory to glory He sets my pace

Praise from a sinner, saved by grace

One of the last photos I have of my mom. She could no longer walk, but remained steadfast in her faith and joy in Jesus.

Another Walk


I love walking! This time it was about 3.5 miles through a beautifully wooded county park, and I was all by myself. As I savored the sights and sounds of towering trees, gurgling creeks, and turkey buzzards against the backdrop of a bright blue sky, I thought to myself, “God is enough”. People like to say you are enough, but I can’t say that is accurate. Please let me explain. 

You and I are wonderfully made, dearly loved, and precious, for sure. We are wonderfully made – by God, dearly loved – by God, and precious – to God. If you look within yourself, you will find that God has “put eternity in your heart”. What I mean is that we were designed by God for a relationship with Him.

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the expanse proclaims the work of His hands. Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge.” Will you listen? I encourage you to turn from yourself and to God. Look at His wonderful creation; read His word. Both are written to you. 

If you want to know more, here is a great resource from the Billy Graham Evangelistic association:

As you get to take your next walk, I hope that you will also realize that God is enough. You never really have to walk alone.

“The instruction of the Lord is perfect, renewing one’s life; the testimony of the Lord is trustworthy, making the inexperienced wise.” Psalm 19:7

God is enough.

Baking Bread & Catching Fly Balls


It was a strike, then another, then another. My husband, Mike, was so excited. We needed a pitcher for our softball game that night, and he had asked me to give it a try. After those first few beautiful pitches, the truth revealed itself. I am not a pitcher. I didn’t come anywhere near the strike zone. I was fine with that, because I loved chasing down fly balls in the outfield and backing up those around me.

Each of us is unique and uniquely gifted. Every single person is made in the image of God and is smart. Kathy Koch has a terrific book called “8 Great Smarts”. It details the different types of smart and how we need to recognize and encourage these traits in children. I’d say we should recognize them in other adults and ourselves, too!

Have you heard of Mattithiah, the firstborn of Shalom the Korahite? He was entrusted with baking the bread. (1 Chronicles 9:31) It seems that he was smart at baking. He used this to serve and glorify God. As J.I. Packer wrote, “Seek grace to work hard at whatever life calls you to do, and enjoy your work as you do it.”

What are you entrusted with? How will you use your smarts? We did find a pitcher for that softball game. This was quite a while ago, and I don’t remember if we won or lost. I do know we each enjoyed playing our particular role and using our smarts. 

“Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God.” (1 Peter 4:10)

You are unique and uniquely gifted!

One-Legged Birds


They reminded me of children playing with the ocean. A group of cute little birds was running to and from the waves, pecking in the sand for delicacies to eat. After watching a while, I noticed one who did not have two legs, yet hopped right along. Then I watched him standing perfectly balanced on his one leg. God says, “I know every bird of the mountains, and the creatures of the field are mine.” (Psalm 50:11) 

Can you spot the one-legged bird?

I love watching and listening to the ocean. It reminds me that God is in control, and He is good. He determines the boundaries of the waves, and He watches over one-legged birds. There is a design to the universe, and there is a design for you and me. We are “image bearers”! 

“So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female.” (Genesis 1:27) Why am I sharing this? Because truth is important. We live in a real world with real truth. Why am I saying this? Because…

“To hide the truth is no less falsehood than to spread error.” – Amy Carmichael

I hope that you know that you are wonderfully made, dearly loved, and precious, just the way you are made. This is true for man and woman, boy and girl. God’s design is good. In fact, it is very good.

“I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made. Your works are wondrous, and I know this very well.” Psalm 139:14

I Can Fix That


Cars, blenders, washing machines, dryers, motorcycles, and anything else mechanical were no match for my Dad. We heard him calmly say “I can fix that” too many times to count. He loved God and others with actions. Many times I remember him going to help friends and family with his brilliant skills. He rescued me from car breakdowns on the side of the road more than once.

Dad was also a big teaser. When we were kids, he would call us after we walked away. When we ran back to him, he’d ask, “How far would you have been if I hadn’t called you?”. He smiled a lot, and he made us smile a lot.

When anyone came to visit, Dad would always offer them food. He would offer snacks and sandwiches and even his Tastykakes. Sometimes he would ask if they wanted a piece of pie, when we didn’t have any pie. This was always a funny challenge for my mom.

My friends were always welcome and often invited to join us on family adventures. Both he and my mom made our home an inviting haven to everyone who came over. I grew up in a home filled with love, laughter, and lots of joking around.

Thanks for allowing me to share a glimpse of my dad. He died peacefully on May 9, 2022. I know he’s in heaven, and I will see him again. My dad believed in Jesus for eternal life. You can have that same assurance. See, we are separated from God because of our sin. God “fixed that” by sending Jesus. As Jesus said, “Repent and believe the good news!”.

“And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. The one who has the Son has life. The one who does not have the Son of God does not have life. I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” (1John 5:11-13)

I can fix that!

Here are a few more glimpses of my Dad…

More Hugs


As I turned to leave, I heard her loudly yelling, “I NEED MORE HUGS!”. I turned back and gladly gave more hugs, then Adina peacefully went to sleep. I remembered this nap time when I stumbled on a scrap of paper where I had written this story. My now 5 year old granddaughter gave up naps years ago. Thankfully, she hasn’t given up hugs.

Don’t we all need more hugs? Let me boast about God, as it says in Psalm 5:11, “But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them shout for joy forever. May you shelter them, and may those who love your name boast about you.” God sheltering me and giving me refuge is like a huge hug. You, too, are invited into this shelter. After all, you’re never too old for a hug.

“How priceless your faithful love is, God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” (Psalm 36:7)

You’re never too old for a hug.

Winter Is a Season


She said, “I am just numb. I don’t feel anything.” We had just watched another patient go from life to death. I tried to assure her that it is a protective mechanism and that this is a season that will eventually pass. Like winter. Trees shed their leaves and are barren, with no signs of life, but life is still there, deep inside. It will burst forth again.

My heart hurts for my co-workers. I see a variety of responses from those around me – heartbreak, numbness, anger, and perplexity are just some of them. You don’t realize how hard this is and how concerning it is to wonder if your heart may be hardening simply to keep going and doing what you need to do. I work in an intensive care unit, where I’ve probably seen more death in the last 2 years than in the previous 20. However, there is hope in Jesus. He conquered death.

“Jesus said to her (Martha), “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me, even if he dies, will live. Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” “Yes, Lord,” she told him, “I believe you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who comes into the world.”  (John 11:25-27 CSB)

We must not lose our humanity in all of this. I hear a lot of talk about self-care, but what I think is needed more is to care for each other. Let others talk without judging them. Be open about how you are really feeling. Hug each other! Cry, scream, laugh, whatever. Don’t bottle it up. Listen to understand, not to reply. Every single person is a treasure, made in the image of God, as He tells us in the Bible. That means you, too. Let’s treat each other as such. Spring will come.

“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, the whole earth, and the creatures that crawl on the earth.’” (Genesis 1:26 CSB)

“Listen to understand, not to reply.” – unknown

The Crash


The crash was so loud that both our dogs went racing from the room to the farthest corner of the house. Earlier that day my husband, Mike, and I had gone to a nearby Christmas tree farm and cut down our tree. In the evening after the lights were on, we were ready to decorate. Our son, Dan, joined in the fun, as we reminisced over 38 years of tree ornaments. Each ornament is a memory of a vacation, a milestone, a childhood craft session, and even funny things like my daughter Amy’s and my love of ketchup. Yes, we actually have a ketchup bottle ornament, courtesy of the Heinz History Center gift shop in Pittsburgh, PA.

Some of us love ketchup!

After we finished carefully placing the last ornaments, all three of us stood back, admiring our beautiful Christmas tree. As I placed the tree skirt around the trunk, the tree toppled over, with ornaments flying and lights tangling. In all our years of Christmas trees, this had never happened. After the astonishment wore off, we assessed the damage. Amazingly, none of the ornaments were broken.

As we looked at the tree stand, it suddenly dawned on Mike that its supports were not extended. In other words, the foundation wasn’t secure. That explained it all. Thankfully, this was an easy fix, and now our tree is once again upright, with lights and memories shining out brightly.

Our tree stands again!

All this reminded me how important our foundation is. Jesus told a story about a wise man who built his house on the rock, while a foolish man built his house on the sand. Storms came and hit both houses, but only one stood firm. What are you building your life on? Storms will come, but you can withstand them if you have a proper foundation. Let Jesus be your foundation, and you won’t topple over.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” Romans 1:16

Merry Christmas!

There All Along


We made it to the middle and interrupted our mission for a soft pretzel break at the snack bar. My husband, Mike, also picked up souvenir pens for our granddaughters, Senna and Adina. We were having a blast making our way through the corn maze at Cherry Crest Adventure Farm What a fun and fantastic set up.

When we finished our delicious pretzels, we picked up the trail again. Adina, Senna, Mike, and I were taking turns deciding which way to go. After a few dead ends and some turn arounds, we ended up going in a circle. We stopped, got our bearings and tried again. This time we made it to the exit and triumphantly crossed the bridge and walked out of the maze.

A little later, Senna made a surprising discovery. Within the souvenir pens, there was a map of the maze, hidden there all along! There was a silver bar on the side of the pen that pulled the rolled-up map out for viewing. We laughed so hard! There we were, going around in circles, when the way out was right there in our hands.

Do you know that there is a way out in your hands, too? The way has already been made for each of us to be reconciled to God. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) This is the way out, and it’s free. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) I truly hope you know this and put your trust in Jesus. He will keep you from going in circles.

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” John 14:6

The way out is asking Jesus in.

Focus on the Can


He couldn’t brush his own teeth. His hand was too weak to even grasp the toothbrush. However, he could hold it with my help. He could brush his teeth with my hand holding his and gently helping lift it to his mouth and helping with the brushing motion.

Have I mentioned that I’m a nurse? This patient of mine was deconditioned from being sick for several weeks. So, we made a plan together. I helped him do passive range of motion exercises. This basically means lifting and bending arms and knees and getting the body moving.

By the end of my 12-hour shift, he was showing off to his family, because he was able to lift his arms on his own! This is why I say focus on the can. There may be much that you cannot do, but there are always things that you can. Do what you can. Then do the next thing you can. Before you know it, you may be doing what you couldn’t!

“Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” Psalm 139:16

Focus on the can.

Here are some pics of our camping adventure with our sweet granddaughters, Senna and Adina, who always have a can do attitude!

Peas Aren’t a Problem Anymore


It was split wide open, and at first glance it looked rather destroyed. However, the pea seed we planted was actually growing! It was being transformed from a hard, tiny object into a living, thriving sprout. If you happened to read my blog last June, you would understand that this is a major feat.

This year my granddaughters are a year older and wiser. When they helped plant our garden, we talked about the seeds and how deep they should be planted and how far apart. They carefully dug little holes and placed each seed in its place. Then came the watering, watching, and waiting. You should have seen my excitement when instead of plain brown dirt, I saw green shooting up through the soil. This miracle always astonishes me.

There is a Bible verse that says, “I run in the path of Your commands, for You have set my heart free.” (Psalm 119:32 NIV) Another version puts it like this: “I will run the course of Your commandments, for You shall enlarge my heart.” (NKJV) We are fortunate to actually have written instructions for life from the Maker of life! The Bible tells the story of His incredible love and care us. Following His ways leads to growth, freedom, and so much more. Rather like my seeds, it splits us wide open, so we can grow and thrive the way we were intended.

“Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law.” Psalm 119:18

Following God’s ways leads to flourishing.

Trust Your Training


It was a simple text message that shaped the next days and months of our lives. I was walking our pups at the park with my husband, Mike, when our daughter, Amy, sent me a message. She asked if I would run a half marathon with her. I looked at Mike and then answered, “sure!”. I don’t recall if I realized that it was a 13.1-mile race I had just agreed to.

My first “long run” was 3 miles, and I wondered how I would make it that far. However, by the end of training, 3 miles was a short run. We each had a specific plan, and we encouraged each other along the way. Not only did we run, we also did strength training, cross training, and even some swimming to build up our strength and endurance.

Amy ended up training to run a full marathon, 26.2 miles. I stuck with the half marathon. It took hard work and consistency, definitely consistency. One time, when wondering if I would be prepared, I heard the phrase, “Trust your training”. After over 12 weeks of training, we were ready.

On the big day, we both felt prepared and excited. Our family came along and cheered us on, which was a huge boost. My longest training run was 10 miles and now I was going for 13.1. Amy was doing double that distance! That’s when the phrase “trust your training” came back to mind. We had both done the work to get ready, now all that was left was to run.

I am very happy to say that we did it! Amy continues to inspire me. She is a marathoner! I am so very glad she sent that text message. We continue to train for other shorter races, and perhaps one day will even tackle a marathon or a half again! What are you training for? With hard work and consistency, you will get there.

“For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8

Trust your training.

Amy finishing her marathon with our family cheering her on.

The Ants’ Rest Day


Every day he carefully stepped over the tiny parade. Countless leaf-cutter ants marched past the front of his lodge on their mission. My husband, Mike was in Costa Rica and saw this continuous line of ants every day until Sunday. That day he stepped out the door, looking to avoid stepping on the ants, but there were none. It seems the ants took a rest day.

I’m in the final week of training to run a half marathon with my daughter, Amy. She’s training for a full marathon! Part of training includes taking rest days. These are very important, because our bodies need time to refresh and replenish. It’s not good or healthy to work constantly or to always be on the go. So, I challenge you to stop. Be still. Try doing nothing for a time. Not even looking at your phone or watching TV. Simply rest.

On Monday, Mike again had to watch his step, as the ants were back on their march, carrying leaves back to their home. After a rest day, both Amy and I also pick up our training, going further and further distances on our runs. The balance of consistent training and rest is preparing us to accomplish our goals. What goals are you training and resting towards?

“Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.” Exodus 20:9-10

Take a break.

Move the Trash Can


A very good friend asked me what I would do if there was a trash can next to my chair, and every time I got up, I banged my knees against it. I quickly answered that I would move the trash can, of course. We were talking about how some people seem to miss the obvious.

I was feeling pretty good about myself, honestly, but then I realized there are trash cans in my own life that I keep bumping into. For example, recently I was planning to cook a meal for my dad. I tried and tried and tried to figure out how to make the timing work. Finally, I accepted that it was simply impossible to pull together on the planned day, so we got takeout instead.  Looking back, I wonder why it took me so long to realize the logical solution.

This made me stop and examine more things and move more trash cans, so to speak. Part of it for me is not doing some things to make room for doing other things, if that makes sense. What trash cans do you need to move in your life?

Mike with our two sweet granddaughters. He moved himself to sit between them. (He’s a smart guy!)

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand.” Psalm 37:23-24

Let the Lord order your steps, and He will show you what trash cans to move.

Boundaries and Bridges


He emphatically stated the importance of quickly removing the wet clothes from the field. Furthermore, he insisted that others could not use their property for drying clothes or any other reason. After washing their clothes, the missionary’s neighbors had laid them out on the mission station’s field to dry. The missionary’s response was the exact opposite of what I expected.

I had seen firsthand how these missionaries had built bridges to reach out and help people. For example, they offered free English classes, had outreach programs to a local orphanage, and simply cultivated friendships, all to share God’s love and the gospel. So why the fuss over someone laying out a few wet clothes to dry?

What I learned is that in this area, maintaining boundaries is crucial. If you allow someone to use your land for any purpose, that land becomes the property of the one using it after a certain amount of time. In other words, the missionaries had to carefully maintain their boundaries so they would continue to have a place there. If they did not hold the lines of their property, eventually it would no longer be theirs.

What a lesson for all of us! Proper boundaries help us thrive and enable us to continue to reach out to others. This may simply mean carving out some time for yourself. I’ve been doing this with exercise, as I aim to get more physically fit. I find that it definitely takes practice, but it does get easier and is well worth it. Hopefully the exercise will get easier, too! If you’d like to explore this subject further, a great resource is a book appropriately called Boundaries, by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. What boundaries do you need to set?  

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverb 4:23

Setting boundaries can help you build bridges.

Keeping the Good In


There in front of us was a huge fence, about 10 feet tall and completely blocking the trail. Mike and I were taken aback. We were many hours into our hike, and it was too late to return the way we came.  We considered simply climbing over the fence to stay on the trail, but it was so overgrown inside this unexpected enclosure that we couldn’t even discern where the trail went.

It was a beautiful summer day, and we had thoroughly enjoyed hiking through the mountains, stopping for a picnic lunch, and leisurely taking our time. Now it seemed we would have to pick up the pace before darkness fell. So, we looked at our map, followed along outside the fence, then figured out what direction to take to a creek which would lead us back to our truck. We made it safely back with time to jump in the creek, cool off, and laugh about our unexpected adventure together.

Later, we stopped and asked a park ranger about the surprise fenced-off area. She explained that it was an out closure, used to keep animals out while plants and trees are rebuilding. It protects the growing area. It seems we need out closures in our lives at times, also.

The trouble can come when the fence is left up too long, and the growth becomes a wild overgrowth of weeds and thorns. Why am I thinking about all this now? I want to see smiles, handshakes, and hugs return. Smiles are contagious, and I’m convinced that we need them. I am concerned that we are creating a culture of fear – fear of each other. As someone wisely said to me recently, we should be allowed to hold hands. May I suggest keeping the fear out and letting the love in? As for me, that is how I want to live.

“Let all that you do be done with love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

Keep the fear out, and let the love in.

Mike and I are thrilled that we get to enjoy hiking with our two sweet granddaughters now. Don’t worry, we always have a map and survival gear with us.

How to Grow


It surprised me to see it had not changed at all. Nothing seemed to be happening. I gave my dad an amaryllis flower, which usually grows at an astonishing rate. I had one that had already grown several inches. His seemed to be stuck. Then I realized the location of his flower. It was sitting on a windowsill where bright sunlight hit it every day.

Surprisingly, this flower requires indirect light, so we moved it to a better location. It still remains to be seen if it will do better and bloom. This reminded me how important instructions are for growth. The cool thing about life is that God gave us an instruction book. The Bible tells us everything we need to know to live a joyful, purpose-filled, satisfying life, if we choose to do what He says. The choices we make are what make us.

My amaryllis

Some things may seem backwards, like putting a flower out of reach of direct sunlight, but we can trust that God knows what He’s doing. For example, He tells us to forgive others. Too often, I’d rather seek revenge. However, I’ve found that forgiving actually leads to freedom and allows love to occupy my heart, instead of hate. That’s just one example of how following God leads to the best life. Whose instructions will you follow?

“Teach me good judgement and knowledge, for I believe Your commandments.” Psalm 119:66

The choices we make are what make us.

Mike with our growing granddaughters.

Near and Far


What amazed me most was the realization that I could see individual leaves on the trees. That was the day I first got glasses, as a kid in elementary school. Before that day, the leaves were simply blurs. It was as if I was seeing everything for the first time, noticing exquisite details that I never realized existed!

As I got older, I wore contact lenses. Then, as I got even older, I switched to wearing just one contact. Most people need reading glasses at some point in their life. My eye doctor explained to me that I could switch to wearing one contact to continue to see far away, and my other eye would take on the job of seeing up close, as in reading. She was right. It only took a few days for my brain to adjust, and wearing one contact has enabled me to see both near and far.

Why am I sharing the story of my eyes with you? I think we easily get caught up in seeing only what is near or only what is far off, and we need to see both. It is so important to be fully present and focused on wherever you are, what you are doing, and who you are with at the moment. However, we also need to see far off. Life here is very short and death awaits us all.

That doesn’t sound like a merry message, but please read on. Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birth, and one reason He was born was to defeat death. John 3:16 is still true today –

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

May I suggest being fully present now and conscious of eternity at the same time?

Jesus came for us both for right now and forever. He can “free those who were held in slavery all their lives by the fear of death” (Hebrews 2:15)

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11

Be both fully present here and conscious of eternity.

May you know the joy of Christmas, and have some fun this season, too!
We remember that Jesus came, and He will come again!

Broken Fingers and Guitars


I missed it. Without even realizing it, I really missed it. See, my left index finger got broken in a driveway basketball game quite a while ago. After lots of persistent exercises, I still couldn’t bend it very much. Therefore, I figured my guitar playing days were over.

Many months later, I decided to try again. Much to my happy surprise, I could bend my finger farther! Enough to play chords on my guitar! It is taking work and determination, as well as a bit of pain, but I am enjoying every moment. I am so thankful that I tried again.

This encouraged me in other areas of my life to keep trying and to always have hope. What do you need to try again?

We tried the Scooby Doo 5K and did it!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Try again!

One and A Half Tons


I’d never have imagined that we could accomplish this job! They kept invading and attacking, while we played defense and attempted to block them. Finally, we decided on a plan to keep them away permanently. It was time to finish off the poison ivy and sticker bushes that continually crept over the boundary at the back of our yard. Our strategy involved river rocks, literally tons of them.

First, with help from our kind neighbor, we laid down landscape fabric. Next, we picked up lots of river rocks, 3-7 inches big, to place on top. This entailed getting a half-ton load at a time dumped into the back of our truck, lifting the rocks from there into a wheelbarrow, pushing that into our backyard, then one person transferring the rocks over our tall back fence to another person who placed them on the fabric. It was literally a ton of work!

Mike and I started the process, then my son, Dan, and I moved 1,500 pounds of river rocks in two days to finish it! How did we do that? One rock at a time. What rock do you need to move? You don’t have to move a ton all at once, just pick one rock, one thing you know you need to do. Then do the work! Before you know it, you will be surprised by what you’ve achieved!

“David also said to Solomon his son, ‘Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you…’” 1 Chronicles 28:20a

Do the work.

A backyard bunny wedding (with no poison ivy or sticker bushes encroaching).

I Would Walk 100 Miles


Their noses were wriggling and their tails were wagging like crazy as they kept their faces to the ground, sniffing out every scent along the way. They were so engrossed in the ground at their feet that they didn’t notice the beautiful deer about a hundred yards ahead, right in the middle of the trail! The deer detected them, however, and quickly disappeared into the thick of the woods, leaving only another scent for the pups to investigate.

Zoey (pink collar) and Kaylee (purple collar).

We did it! Kaylee and Zoey (our two puppies) and I completed the 100 by Summer Dog Walking Challenge. We walked over 100 miles from the first day of spring until now, traveling through gorgeous meadows, along various creeks, up and down hills, through woods, on roads, and more, savoring every step.

At times, as I mentioned earlier, the pups get so engrossed in the path at their feet that they don’t notice what’s right in front of them. In their defense, I suppose the smells they are experiencing are beauty enough for them. Their obliviousness to the deer made me think of a song Lauren Daigle sings called “Look Up Child” (Link to video in case you want to check it out: It reminds me to look up and not get so engrossed in what’s at my feet that I miss the beauty all around me. That makes me think of the Flyleaf song “All Around Me” (Link: . Another good message.

The pups always look up to say hi to their favorite cow friend.

As you and I walk through life, we are invited to walk with God. How amazing is that?!? The One who created us desires relationship with us. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, please feel free to reach out to me. Whatever happens does not change who God is, and God is love. He wants you and me to walk with Him every step.

“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

Whatever happens does not change who God is, and God is love.


Peas Are A Problem


It is growing! Lettuce is easy to spot, but now I can actually identify tomato plants, carrots, broccoli, and green beans. This may not seem like a huge feat, but as a new gardener, it’s a pretty big deal to me. I have so much to learn! I’m still trying to figure out the peas. The reason peas are a problem is because of the mountain. When my granddaughters, Senna and Adina, helped plant the garden, Adina decided to build a “pea mountain”. After placing the seeds carefully into the ground, she excitedly piled a large mound of dirt on top.

Senna and Adina celebrating the planting.

Since this is a learning season, I let the mountain be. After all, having fun is part of the purpose, and I’ll be thrilled to eat even one vegetable from our box garden. However, I’ve been surprised by all sorts of green things popping up from that mountain. I haven’t identified pea plants yet, so I’ve just been pulling out anything that I’m positive is a weed.

My intention is to learn in every circumstance. So, here are a few things I’ve learned from my garden:

~ Weeds are much easier to pull out when they are small.

~ An inviting environment brings worms, and worms help gardens by loosening the soil.

~ Water is needed. Often.

~ You can tell a weed from a vegetable by knowing what the vegetable looks like.

~ Lots of stuff I don’t understand is happening unseen, under the soil. Good, growing stuff.

~ Plants need space to stretch out. If they’re too crowded, they won’t grow properly.

Not a weed!

I’m learning a lot of life lessons from this as well, as you can probably figure out.

~ Weeds in my life are more easily gotten rid of before they grow big.

~ Worms may not be cuddly, but they sure are useful. Are there any “worms” in your life?

~ Water is needed. Jesus is the living water.

~ Knowing truth helps us spot lies.

~ Even when I don’t understand, I can have faith and trust that God is working.

~ There is plenty of space for us all to grow.

I love sharing this gardening experience with my granddaughters. What have you been doing lately, and what are you learning from it?

“Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:4-5

Intend to learn in every circumstance.

Who Can You Help?


You are essential! Do you realize that there is something you can do that no one else can? It’s true. You have a unique place, and you have an impact.

With this ongoing Covid 19 pandemic, I realize that some jobs have been labeled as “essential”. Perhaps other jobs have to be put on hold for a while, but that doesn’t diminish their importance. I realize this every time I look in the mirror at my unkempt hair! I’m concerned that this labeling has caused some to misunderstand or forget that every single person is of great value. That is why I’m glad people are reaching out to others during this time. Here are a few examples:

My son, Dan Riddle, and his friend, Kyle Ziegler, have put together a benefit album with all proceeds going to Feeding America’s Covid-19 relief fund. Aptly titled “Self-Quarantine”, it is a compilation of 23 songs from a variety of artists and bands. It is available through Bandcamp, and here is a link, in case you’d like to check it out:

self_quarantine_1400x1400px (1)
Artwork by Daniel McGarvey

My daughter, Amy, has been using this time to create really fun memories with her daughters. They’ve gone on nature hikes, made s’mores by their firepit, and tons of other stuff!

Amy and her girls.

My son-in-law, Dave, made “ear protectors” for masks for healthcare workers. These help a lot, especially when you’re wearing a mask for a 12 hour shift.

Dave and his girls.


My granddaughters have been making cute and hilarious videos for us. We love them, and they really brighten our days!!

My husband, Mike, continues to buy donuts from our local coffee/donut shop and to get takeout from other local small businesses occasionally to support them. A little action can make a big difference! Each of us has an impact, one way or another.

Even though I’ve talked about doing in this blog, please know that our value isn’t from what we do; we have value because of who we are. God planned you, and you are so precious that God gave His only Son, Jesus, for you.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:14)

You are essential!

Mike supporting Wholly Grounds Coffeehouse.


The ABZ’s


Sheep have never helped me. They’re very cute, but they’ve been no help at all. Have you ever had trouble falling asleep? It seems that especially now, as we are walking through this pandemic, this may be an issue for some.  When it happens to me, counting sheep is not a solution. So, I do something I like better that I call the ABZ’s.

My son, Dan, and our pups took a break by a sheep/goat farm.

Here’s how it works. If I find myself lying awake in the night, first I pray and give everything over to God. Sometimes it’s as simple as that, because I didn’t realize something was on my mind. If I’m still lying awake, I think of a topic and go through the ABC’s, giving thanks for something that starts with each letter. For example, I started out with an easy one and picked food. I thanked God for apples for A, banana bread for B, chocolate chip cookies for C, donuts for D, and so on. Please don’t judge my food choices! Generally, I am sleeping long before I reach Z. This is good, because Z is always a tough one!

You can think of many different, creative options, and it turns your mind to gratitude. This is always a good thing. Let’s cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Some other ideas for the ABZ’s are people you’re thankful for, vacation or holiday memories, places you’ve been, and on and on. What topics can you think of? Please share your ideas. Recently I went through the ABZ’s, giving thanks for good things that have come out of this Covid 19 pandemic. It’s amazing how much there is to be thankful for!! Just thought I’d share this, in case any of you also have an occasional bout of wakefulness when you should be sleeping. Of course, if counting sheep works for you, have at it. Happy dreams!

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Below are just a few subjects of my thankfulness.

Through the Glass


It was a happy scene unfolding before us, with smiles all around. There were decorations covering the walls, a special tablecloth, and a huge Happy Birthday banner hanging up, all with a Paw Patrol theme. Adina, my younger granddaughter, turned 4 years old! My husband, Mike, and I watched through their sliding glass door. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic and the necessary restrictions on social gatherings, he and I celebrated Adina’s birthday on my daughter’s back deck while they were inside. My daughter, Amy, is so extremely thoughtful that she set up a tablecloth, treats, and cake on a table out there before we arrived.

Even though it was a joyful celebration, how I missed hugging Adina and her sister, Senna, and gathering them close. That was hard. I miss snuggling with them, giving them kisses and hugs, and simply seeing them face to face. I am ever so grateful for the technology that allows us to video chat and send messages back and forth. I’m even thankful for sliding glass doors! All of this made me think that everything is different, but God is the same. He does not change. Ever. He is always loving and good, and He is always present. We truly can rely on His love. “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love…” (1 John 4:16a) I really hope you know this truth. It makes all the difference.

After watching Adina open presents, singing Happy Birthday, seeing her blow out the candles, and eating cake “together”, we said our goodbyes by putting our hands against the glass together. One day the glass will be removed and we will hug, hold hands, snuggle, and have sleepovers again. Until then and beyond, I will continue to rely on the love God has for us. He is holding me and wants to hold you, too!

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

Everything is different, but God is the same.

Flying Dirt


The dirt was flying! Some was landing back in the garden, some landed in Senna, her sister’s hair, some landed outside the box. Adina (my almost 4-year-old granddaughter) was having a blast playing/working in our box garden. She helped dig out rocks and get the soil ready. I love her enthusiasm in everything!

My Mike built the box. I dug out all the grass and roots that I could see to get our garden spot ready. Mike and our two granddaughters dug out the rocks. As the box garden project continues, I am excited that I have seeds to plant: green beans, peas (Adina’s request), broccoli (Senna’s request), lettuce, and carrots. I hope to pick up tomato plants, too. Any of you experienced gardeners, I’d welcome tips, advice, and suggestions, by the way!

The thing about all that flying dirt is that it was messy and even chaotic, but so much fun! Life is messy, too. There are always things we can control and things we cannot. Everyone is in a bit of a messy situation right now, it seems. It will be okay, though. We will get cleaned up and move forward. It may not be easy, but it may actually lead to some great things.

On another day out by our garden, Adina and Senna were taking a break and sitting on top of some bags of soil we were getting ready to add to the box. Mike was digging and spreading out some dirt we had already added. Suddenly Adina called out in a loud voice, “Dig, I say; dig, I say!”. We were cracking up, laughing. Thinking about this afterwards, she is right. We should be digging, doing what we can, continuing on, planting, and enjoying it along the way.

Keep living. Do what matters. Do what counts. Jesus cares for us. He stepped into the midst of our messy brokenness and experienced it Himself. He loves us and intervened to rescue us for forever.  That is what the Easter season is all about. Jesus is with us and gives calm in the midst of chaos and peace in the midst of panic.

Later, on that dirt flying day in the garden, our granddaughters had just as much fun getting cleaned up as they did getting dirty. Let’s be like them and seek out the joy of living in each moment as it comes along!

Do what matters.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Dare to Do It


I have never done it before, and I’m not really sure what I’m doing. Nonetheless, I’m excited about it. The “it” is planning and planting a box garden. Ever since we moved out of a townhouse into a house with a yard a few years ago, I’ve wanted to plant tomatoes and some other vegetables. A box garden is something I’d never heard of until recently. After doing a little research, a box garden seems like the best option for us.

My husband, Mike, can verify that I do not have a green thumb. At all. I once killed a cactus, and I didn’t even think that was possible. Apparently, you can over water or under water anything, even a cactus. Despite this poor track record, I am hopeful that this summer we will be enjoying homegrown tomatoes, peas, and green beans. I realize it takes more than wanting it, researching, and planning. That is all good, but it means nothing without action. I hope to take action soon, and I’ll let you know how it goes. By the way, feel free to pass along any tips and encouragement to help this novice.

The potential site of our vegetable garden.

Is there something you’d like to do or try? Go for it! Life is meant to be lived fully. Even if you’re unsure of the outcome, dare to do it. Just as I’m sure I’ll gain something from my gardening attempt, you will gain from branching out and trying new things. You may even find the joy of a new skill that you didn’t know you had!

“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Proverbs 14:23

Dare to do it!

A Valentine’s Mystery Follow-Up


The mystery was solved. The two detectives had searched out each clue and followed through, eliminating suspects, items, and rooms as they went along. Our younger granddaughter, Adina, is only three years old, so she took many detours along the way. She stopped to play now and then and got distracted at times. Our 7-year-old granddaughter, Senna, however, was on a mission. She was completely focused and enjoyed figuring things out every step of the way.

Since some were asking for details on this fun event, I figured I’d share them here. I’d encourage anyone with young children in their lives to try this. You can also adapt it for older children. Our granddaughters are already excited for next years’ Valentine’s Mystery!

The mystery to be solved was who had taken what and hidden it where. We had suspects, items, and rooms – 5 of each. We created a list all the suspects, items, and rooms. We took pictures of each possible suspect, item, and room, but you could easily just write their names on an index card or paper. Next, we thought of locations to hide each of these clues. It was like a scavenger hunt, with each clue leading to the next one. We wrote the clues on the backs of the pictures. I hope this is making sense! Please write and ask me questions if it doesn’t!

The mystery board – the girls pulled off pictures as they uncovered clues.

For example, on the back of one clue, we wrote “Time for breakfast”. This led the girls to our kitchen closet, where they found the next clue inside an open box of pop tarts. That clue led them to another location, and so on. Each time they found a clue, they knew to cross that off the list. Gradually the list got whittled down, until they had their answer to the mystery. Next, we opened the envelope with the answers in it. For a prize, we gave them a little variety bag of fun stuff.

I really hope you will try this. It’s great for a rainy day, a party, a celebration, or even an “it’s too cold to go outside” day. You can define the day; don’t let the day define you. Of course, the prize can be as simple as a Hershey kiss or a sticker. You can also make the clues as simple as things like: “Where do you sleep?” or “Time to brush your teeth.”

Naturally, you can also make the clues harder! The important part is having fun. Life is meant to be enjoyed.

Let me know how your own mystery goes! In case you haven’t already heard, our answers were that our puppy, Zoey, took a Berenstain Bear book and hid it under her bed. We figured maybe she wanted to read it before bedtime😊.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Define the day; don’t let the day define you!

Banishing the Grumble


It was at approximately 12:30am, then 1:40am, then 3am, then 4am. The first two times the older puppy needed to go out due to some digestive issues, the third time the younger puppy needed to go out, and the fourth time my youngest granddaughter was awake with a cough. Then came 6am when my older granddaughter woke up, and the day officially started. I’m sure you get the picture. There wasn’t much sleep that night.

I was all set to complain to Mike, my husband, about the sleepless, much interrupted night, when I thought, “Why?”. What would complaining accomplish? Nothing. The thought occurred to me – what if I banish complaining from my life? Then it became more than a thought, it became a goal. After all, the Bible tells us to “do everything without complaining”. Anyone willing to join me on this quest? It changes everything.

Instead of grumbling that morning, I thought about how grateful I was that our granddaughters spent the night and how much fun we all have with the puppies. It’s well worth little inconveniences, like interrupted sleep once in a while. We had so much fun together!! When I look back on days like that, it will be nice to have joy-filled memories instead of grumbling ones. It seems that as I focus on the good, the difficulties diminish. I’m not naively suggesting that there aren’t legitimate complaints. I just don’t want to be a complainer. I’m eagerly looking forward to the next sleepover, no matter how much or little sleep is involved.

“Do everything without complaining…” Philippians 2:14

Banish the grumble!

Here are just a few joys of my life…

Add Some Fun


Adina (my three-year-old granddaughter) and I were swimming in my backyard about a week ago. Yes, it’s winter, and no, we don’t have a swimming pool. However, she has a wonderful imagination, and so we have terrific adventures together. I do think we must be great entertainment for our neighbors, as when we were waving our arms, splashing through our imaginary pool.


Recently I’ve been involved in a Bible study going through the book of Joshua. At one point the leader was talking about how the Israelites were meant not to simply enter the promised land, but to enjoy it. That made me stop and think about being sure to enjoy life, and making time for fun. Life is so brief! I want to come to the end of mine with way more smile lines than frown lines.

Today Adina and I were floating together on an iceberg with our feet dangling in the icy water. Of course, we were wearing special shoes that kept our toes nice and warm. What will you do for fun today?

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22

Add some fun today!

The Cone 2 (Kaylee’s Kryptonite)


Kaylee had been the one with the power. Toys, balls, treats, anything she wanted she simply took. That was until the day Zoey had to wear the cone, otherwise known as an Elizabethan collar. You see, we have two puppies. Kaylee is 11 months old, and Zoey is 6 months old.

Whereas Kaylee tends to be a bit fearful, Zoey is fearless. You may have read my earlier blog about Kaylee’s experience with the cone. Now it was Zoey’s turn, and she wore the cone like it was a special honor. She quickly discovered that it gave her power over her big sister. Since Kaylee was afraid of the cone, now Zoey started taking away the toys, balls, and anything else she wanted. She’d march right up to Kaylee and nudge her with the cone and take what she wanted.

I also had to reinforce our free-standing dog gate, since Zoey discovered that she could use the cone as a battering ram to move it out of the way! When it snowed, Zoey had a blast using the cone as a snow plow to gather, then eat snow. All in all, wearing that cone has been a fun adventure for her.

This gave me a different perspective on cones and limitations. Are they limitations or opportunities for new adventures? As G.K. Chesterton said, “An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered; an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered.” What inconveniences have you turned into adventures lately?

By the way, Zoey is done wearing the cone, and the power is now more balanced between our two puppies. The adventures continue!

Turn your inconveniences into adventures.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds” James 1:2

Light of the World


It started about half a century ago, with a young mother, a glass Aunt Jemima syrup bottle, and an idea. The mother was my own, and her idea was a new Christmas tradition celebrating that Jesus is the Light of the world. She washed out the syrup bottle and placed a tall candle in it. Each day of December the candle light was there reminding us that we were celebrating Jesus’ birth, that He is the light of the world, and that He loves us. Over the years, it got more and more beautiful, as the colorful wax drippings covered the glass.

My mom had a way of making Christmas so very special. In the midst of all the busy preparations there were always smiles, singing, and laughter. Actually, she had a way of making life special, with her quick laughter and joyful heart. She knew how to savor each moment. This will be the seventh year that she is celebrating Christmas with Jesus in heaven. I can’t even imagine how amazing and wonderful that must be. It makes my heart rejoice for her, even though as I write this, a tear is dripping down my cheek.

What traditions do you have as you celebrate this special season? I’d love to hear about them. After Mike and I got married and eventually moved into our own place, we started our own Christmas candle. As I light it each day, I think, “Happy birthday, Jesus, and thank you, Mom!”

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” John 8:12

May your day be merry and bright!

What Are You Thankful For?


The ease with which she laughed. The way she loved playing in the snow. Her constant encouragement and faith. The way she loved everybody, no exceptions. The sparkle in her eyes. The way she utterly and completely enjoyed life. These are just a few of the things I am thankful for about my mom. Yesterday as I was peeling apples, memories of her came flooding over me. That seems to happen particularly on baking days. I suppose it’s because we did a lot of baking together, and those were always happy, laughter-filled days.

Now baking days are still happy and laughter-filled. I am so thankful for my sweet daughter, Amy, and her little girls. Yesterday we baked three apple pies and three pumpkin pies together, using my mom’s recipes. In other words, we made more happy memories together. What a treat to see the joy in my granddaughters’ eyes as we mixed the pie crust dough together. How funny to watch them sneakily pop some apple slices into their mouths. I’m already looking forward to cookie baking day!

Adina and Senna mixing the dough.

I have very much to be thankful for each day. One tradition my family has is hanging a sheet of paper on our refrigerator each November 1st with “I’m thankful for…” written across the top. It isn’t long before it’s filled with little and big things written down by everyone. I highly recommend it, because it’s a great way to cultivate a grateful heart. As Thanksgiving approaches, what are you thankful for? Please feel free to share.

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

  I Thessalonians 5:18

Give thanks!

I’m thankful for…

Inviting Joy In


It was a surprise, so Mike insisted that I put on a blindfold. Then he started the truck, and 0ff we went. To where, I had no idea. Of course, I tried to figure out this secret location by noting the turns and such, but soon I was hopelessly confused. When we arrived, Mike stopped the truck, had me wait (still blindfolded) and then he gently led me out of the truck and walked with me, holding me steady. Now I could take the blindfold off. My eyes opened to see a picnic table right next to a beautiful pasture with cows grazing alongside a creek and a pond, an incredibly peaceful spot. On the table there was a cheery, red tablecloth, and sitting on top of it were delicious looking hoagies, potato chips from the Herrs Factory right down the road, and ice-cold drinks. Aaaaaaaaahhhh. It was just the break I needed.

That’s my Mike. He reminds me to have fun, to stop and take a breather, to slow down and enjoy little things, like a picnic with some cows. I’m so glad for Mike. He adds life to life! Are you allowing joy in your life? Are doing something or some things that you really enjoy?

One thing that I really enjoy is writing and taking pictures. I put together a little book for my granddaughters called “God is with Me When…”. It includes pictures of them having a variety of fun. My hope is that they will always know God is present with them and wants them to enjoy life. I’ve included the PDF file so you may have a look, if you like. I hope it will inspire you to invite more joy into your life. Feel free to share what brings you joy.

We’ve enjoyed several repeat visits to that picnic spot Mike discovered, and each time there leaves me feeling refreshed and ready to go forward.

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10b

Allow joy in your life.

The cows enjoying the day, too.



He told me his three priorities, in order.

  1. Not cut off any fingers.
  2. Not fall off the wall.
  3. Clear away all the weeds, brush, and sticker bushes.

My husband, Mike, was cleaning up the area just behind the fence in our backyard. This was not an easy feat. It required walking through tall weeds to get to there, then maintaining balance on about a 1 ½ foot wide space on top of a retaining wall, while using an ax and a saw to destroy thorny bushes and weeds that were invading our yard through our back fence.

I love how he prioritizes things. He has a clear perspective on what is important and what is most important. He also has good balance, literally and figuratively. He has always been the one to get me to take breaks and make time for fun stuff. He adds life to life! He knows what it means to live for what lasts. Do you? When was the last time that you took time to have a catch with a football or dance in your kitchen or stop and watch the sunset or…well, you get the idea!

Thankfully, Mike achieved all three of his goals. Now we can play tag in our backyard with our granddaughters without running into branches filled with thorns, which is exactly what we plan to do.

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18

Live for what lasts.

Farther On


To be quite honest, my first reaction was to defend myself. I even told people who weren’t involved, simply so I could justify my actions. My second and later and better reaction was to examine the situation and see if there was any truth in the criticism I had received. There was. I actually stopped and considered what I could have or perhaps should have done differently. I learned from it. I am constantly learning, and I want to remain teachable. However, as Russ Taff sings, “I long to learn, but I’m so slow at being taught.”

This is just a small glimpse into one of many failures, bad choices, bad reactions, etc. Thankfully, none of it changes God’s love for me. I think of how much I love my granddaughters even when they pout, fight, get mad, or don’t listen. God’s love is like that. Nothing changes it. Nothing.

Here’s a little poem/action rhyme I often share with my sweet granddaughters. Perhaps you will want to share it with the little ones in your life or just read it to remind yourself of God’s unconditional love.

I love you when you’re standing up and when you’re sitting down.

I love you when you’re being still and when you’re moving ‘round.

I love you when you’re right side up and when you’re upside down.

I love you when you’re laughing and even when you frown.

I love you – all the time!                    

 (Author unknown, please feel free to identify the author if you are able to)

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” I John 4:10

Nothing changes God’s love for us.

Celebrate the Small Stuff


I felt a raindrop on my forehead, then one on my cheek, then one on my arm. It was definitely raining…inside our tent. We had really been looking forward to this camping trip with our two granddaughters, ages 3 and 7, so my initial thought was “Ugh! You’ve got to be kidding me!” We had camped many times using this tent, and it’s never had a single drop of rain leak through. Now there were drips everywhere.

After pausing a moment or three, though, I realized how grateful I was that the rain started as soon as we were getting tucked in, and not in the middle of the night. Also, we had beautiful weather earlier and went on a hike, had a campfire, and cooked s’mores. I couldn’t let one little raindrop (or hundreds) steal the joy of all the wonderful memories already made.

Lately my husband, Mike, and I have been cultivating the habit of celebrating the small stuff. It’s so easy to let the bad or sad or challenging stuff take center stage, but we are reminding each other of the many little victories, joys, and blessings we see every day.

After debating our options, we ended up covering our sleeping bags with a tarp and heading to a hotel for the night. The next day we discovered we had made the right choice. The inside of our tent was pretty soaked. We left it there and enjoyed a gorgeous day of hiking the Double Run Trail, swimming and playing in the Loyalsock Creek, and grabbing a delicious meal at the Forksville General Store and Restaurant (aka Big Mike’s We also got to enjoy another campfire! As we celebrated the small stuff, we came to realize that it was actually big stuff. What small stuff can you celebrate today?

“The Lord is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made.” Psalm 145:17

Celebrate the small stuff.

The Cone


We’re not talking ice cream here. That would be better, especially in these 80-90 degree days of summer here in Oxford, Pennsylvania. No, we are talking about the other cone. The dreaded “Elizabethan collar” type of cone that dogs must wear after having surgery.

Yes, it was time, and we got our sweet little puppy, Kaylee, spayed. When we got her home, we put the cone on to keep her from licking or biting her incision. Much to our surprise, she would not move at all. We’ve had dogs before, and it always took them a little while to get used to walking around wearing the cone. They’d bump into the wall a few times but would pretty quickly figure out how to maneuver. Not our Kaylee. She simply sat and stayed. We tried all sorts of suggestions to get her used to it, to no avail.

Our puppy, Kaylee, before surgery.

Sometimes I think God puts a cone on us at times. He wants to protect us, heal us, and help us grow, but we are inclined to interfere with that process. At least I am. Do you ever feel that way? For example, there was a long season in which I wanted to move out of working in the intensive care unit. I was tired of it all – the challenges, the ethical dilemmas, the stress, everything. I prayed; I begged; I applied for other jobs. God said stay. I felt like Kaylee with her cone. Looking back now, I see that it was for my own good. I am actually thankful and glad. In case you’re curious, I still work in the intensive care unit. The challenges there haven’t really changed, but God continues changing me through those challenges.

After a few days of having to take Kaylee’s cone off to walk her and get her to go to the bathroom, our son, Dan, found a different type of cone that she actually became more accustomed to. She even sits and stays still for me to place it. Her incision is healing and we now have only 2-4 more days before we can leave it off. One of the first things I plan to do when she’s free is take her to the park then stop for an ice cream cone (for me) on the way back.

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11

God can change you through your challenges.

Picnics and Naps


She fell asleep in the midst of chewing her apple slice. I had buckled her into her car seat, then gave her an apple slice to snack on as we drove to our picnic spot. Minutes later I looked in the rearview mirror to see her eyes closed and her little hand still grasping the rest of her apple slice. After I checked to be sure she had swallowed the bite in her mouth, I drove on, letting her sleep. Next I pulled into the parking area of the picnic park and continued to allow her to nap.

It had been a very busy week, especially for a 3-year-old. Mike and I had the great joy of having our granddaughters, Senna (7) and Adina (3), spend the whole week at our house. It was also Vacation Bible School week at our church, Calvary Chapel Delaware County Hence, every day was full of fun and non-stop action.

One thing all of you parents and grandparents know is that kids don’t always realize what is best for them. Sometimes they don’t even want it! They need our leadership, guidance, and loving care. They need us to recognize when they are ready for a rest break, when they need to drink more water, when they need a snack, and on and on.

I’ve realized that I don’t always know what is best for me or what I need either. However, God does. He promises to provide for us, guide us, and always be with us. He cares about us and for us. I am so thankful to be His child.

Honestly, it made me feel really good when Adina got a little nap in the car and woke up feeling refreshed. We got out of the car and had our picnic, then played together for quite a while before we needed to go pick up Senna. I imagine it makes God feel good when we allow Him to care for us, too. I encourage you (and me) to go to Him with our needs and trust Him to do what’s best for us. He will. What will you trust Him with today?

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29

What will you trust God with today?

Here are a few pics from our fun-filled week.

Who is he?


You know that older gentleman who is slowing you down from getting through the door into the convenience store? He’s shuffling along with his cane and has trouble opening the door, so you step up and help hold the door so that he and you can get on your way. This man may very well be the reason you are free to enjoy this day. He might have been a soldier in one of the many wars fought to protect your freedom. He matters. He is loved by God.

You’ve probably heard the expression “Freedom isn’t free”. It’s true. As you celebrate this 4th of July, remember that a high price was paid and is still being paid. I am so thankful for all the sacrifices many men and women have made to ensure our freedom. If you are a veteran or currently serving in the military, thank you! You are welcome to post a picture of yourself in the comments.

Every person matters. You matter. You are loved by God. He wanted to make sure you have true freedom. He made it possible by giving His only Son, Jesus, to die for you and me. The great news is that Jesus rose from the dead! Do you know this love and this freedom? They are yours for the asking.

“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” John 8:36

Happy Independence Day!

I’m so thankful for our freedom and all it allows, like…

My Dad


I actually carried a hammer in my car at all times. It was my very first car, and it was a bit particular. My dad taught me that tapping my hammer on a certain spot on the engine worked to get it started every time that it was being stubborn. It became quite routine for me to pop the hood, tap the engine, then start the car. Honestly, I don’t even remember the details of the what and why. I simply trusted my dad, because he was right. He is always right when it comes to cars, and he has rescued me many times when cars have let me down.

Dad in his shed/workshop

That’s the thing about a great father, you can always count on him. I’m so thankful for the many happy memories that my dad is part of, like taking us camping when I was little, picking me up after lacrosse practice on his motorcycle, always offering food to my friends and making them feel welcome, fixing anything and everything, walking me down the aisle to Mike, giving my kids rides on his tractor when they were young, sharing meals at the Sungate Diner in Marcus Hook, and now playing with my granddaughters (his great-granddaughters). My dad is good, and he is loving. I am fortunate.

If you don’t have a dad like mine, I am so sorry. There is a Father who wants to adopt you. He is loving and good and perfect. God made a way for you to become part of His family, by giving His only Son. You can trust Him, and you can always count on Him. Won’t you consider it?

“Yet to all who received him (Jesus), to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” John 1:12

Happy Father’s Day!

Buddy Tape


It was a battle, this first game of the series, and the score was tied. We both went up for a rebound. My husband, Mike, came down with the ball. I came down with a jammed finger, losing the rebound and going on to lose the game. Our driveway basketball games are quite intense!

I’ve had jammed fingers before, so I put ice on it throughout the day and waited for the swelling to go down. In the next few days I kept waiting for it to go back to normal and the bruising to fade. After a few weeks, I finally went and got it checked out. Much to my surprise, it was broken! Thankfully, it was aligned properly and healing. The physician’s assistant instructed me to buddy tape it.

In case you’ve never heard that term, buddy taping is when you bind an injured finger to the healthy finger next to it. The healthy finger acts as a splint to immobilize the injured finger, supporting and protecting it. I was also instructed to do finger exercises 3-4 times a day, to improve my broken finger’s movement and to keep the joints from getting stiff. I found that buddy taping really helped to keep my finger stabilized and to move it more. It also simply helped it feel better.

Just as I can be stubborn in seeking help for a physical injury, sometimes I resist asking for assistance with other things. I am learning to be more open to asking for help. We can all help each other. For example, right now, my whole family is helping with teaching our puppy. Puppy training is much better with two or more people. It’s also more fun!

We all need buddies. A buddy can help keep us going the right direction, can push us to go farther than we thought, can support us when we are weak, and so much more. We all have room to grow, and we grow best together. Who are your buddies? Do you allow them to help you? My best buddy, Mike, helps me become a better basketball player and a better person. I look forward to finishing and hopefully winning our basketball series as soon as my finger heals!

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

We can all help each other.

Puppy Love and Advice from Monks


Sometimes I wonder if I’m training Kaylee or she’s training me. Sure, I’ve taught her to sit, lie down, and not jump on people. Well, we continue working on that last one! One thing she is training me to do is to be more fully present in the moment, a trait I treasure. As Jim Elliot said, “Wherever you are, be all there!”

Playing fetch with Kaylee in the backyard.

I was definitely fully present when I was helping in the Puppy Palace at LaMancha Animal Rescue, For a few months I’ve been volunteering at this wonderful place that rescues and rehabilitates dogs, cats, and various other animals. It was there that this little puppy walked right up to me, climbed in my lap, and started licking my hand. Mike and I had talked about and prepared for getting a puppy for quite a while. Immediately I thought that this was the one. A few days later, Kaylee came home with us.

While looking into how to best train a puppy, I happened upon The Art of Raising a Puppy, by the Monks of New Skete. I actually read it, re-read it, then skimmed through it a third time. I highly recommend both it and How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend, by the same authors. Their insight into a dog’s development and their positive approach really make sense. They also give a lot of practical suggestions that are working very well so far. They emphasize keeping in mind what your puppy is capable of becoming, which is a good lesson for us, as well.

Our goal in training is to enable Kaylee to fully be part of our lives. For example, she is already used to riding in the car to visit my daughter and her family. It definitely requires planning, work, and patience, but it has already been so much fun! Seeing the joy she brings our granddaughters, going out for walks, playing training games, and just watching her tail wagging and her whole body quivering with happiness when she greets people is such a delight! I look forward to seeing what she will become and how I will grow through training her. I hope to always remain teachable. What have your pets taught you?

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8

If you remain teachable, you can learn a lot.

As you can see below, Kaylee is bringing smiles all around.